2022 CO2 EOR & CCUS Theme Sessions Agenda

Related Presentations

Dec 07
Regulatory Perspectives from Louisiana @ 12:00 am

Stephen Lee Louisina Department of Natural Resources Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Jul 03
Introduction for Geohazards @ 9:41 am

Steve Melzer Melzer Consulting Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 07
Formation Overload and Seal Integrity @ 8:00 am

Steve Melzer Melzer Consulting Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Wednesday, December 7, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Introduction to the Thursday Session and Thanks to Sponsors and Attendees @ 8:00 am

Steve Melzer CO2 Conference Director Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Recap of the EOR Carbon Management Workshop – Proliferating CCS Projects @ 8:10 am

Mike Moore CM Workshop Director Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Summary of the Wednesday Short Course on Subsurface Risk Elements in CCS @ 8:50 am

Steve Melzer CO2 Conference Director Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas… Learn more

Dec 08
Riley Permian’s Horizontal & Vertical Well CO2 EOR Projects @ 9:15 am

John Allison Riley Permian Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Alaska North Slope Prudhoe Bay Miscible Gas Project (PBMGP): a Recap of Experience @ 10:15 am

Patrick McGuire International Reservoir Technologies, Inc & formerly with ARCO Alaska Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
CO2 EOR: Increasing Oil Production While Providing a Lower Carbon Future @ 10:50 am

Eric Robertson Enh Oil Recovery Institute Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
WY CO2 Flood Update @ 11:10 am

Tom Boelens Denbury, Denbury Inc. Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Contango Resources: Wyoming @ 11:30 am

Chad Roller & Ryan Logsdon Contango Energy Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Revitalizing Mature EOR Fields @ 1:00 pm

Eric Looney Denbury’s TexasAsset Team Lead Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Optimizing Wasson ROZ CO2 Flood Pattern Configuration For Capital Efficiency: Case Study Of 40-year Field History @ 1:30 pm

Tao Gang, Neha Gupta & Parag Bandyopadhyay Oxy USA Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Challenging the Marginal Pay Zones at the SACROC Flood @ 2:00 pm

Katie Hicks & John Kalteyer Kinder Morgan CO2 Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Capturepoint’s Tx and Ok EOR and CCUS Experience and Low Carbon Oil @ 2:30 pm

Tracy Evans Capturepoint LLC Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
Introduction of CO2 EOR Trials in Vietnam and South East Asia @ 3:20 pm

Chai Zhenjie, Manager, Subsurface Department Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company – JX Nippon Group Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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Dec 08
CO2 EOR Survey Updated to End of Year 2021 @ 4:00 pm

Matt Wallace & George Koperna Advanced Resources International Presented at the 28th Annual CO2 Conference Thursday, December 8, 2022 Midland, Texas Download the PDF

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2021 Agenda Details Short Cuts

2021 Full Week Sponsors

Kinder Morgan